, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Recurring multiple times throughout the week, the Night Spectacular is a 45-minute light-and-sound display using the walls beneath the Tower of David as a backdrop, but a simple written description doesn't really do the concept justice. It's hard to fully conceive of what a titanic expanse of age-old monolithic city wall looks like when used as backdrop for the movies until you've seen it done. The moving images, sent from 20 projectors and two projection rooms, tell a wordless, politically neutral pictorial tale of the history of Jerusalem from the time of the Israelite kings down almost to the present day, treating viewers to dramatically larger-than-life reenactments of the deeds of David, the Romans, the monks, Muhammad, the Crusaders, Suleiman the Magnificent and the rest of the historical family. The action hums along a booming orchestral soundtrack by French composed Etienne Perruchon (the display itself is the product of a French multimedia company, Skertzo). It's better than any fireworks show, and while it is child-friendly, adults can enjoy the history lesson and technological wizardry on display.
Admission costs 55 NIS for adults and 45 for children, or 65 NIS and 55 NIS for a joint ticket for the Spectacular and the Tower of David Museum itself, which is recommended, but perhaps not as bombastic. And should your traveling companions have their curiosity piqued by the brief intimations of Jerusalem's lengthy history projected onto the walls, dozens of historical sites within and near the Old City will allow them to delve much further into the lives and works of their favorite conquerors and religions icons.
***Show dates and times are subject to change. Please call the museum to confirm before making plans.***
Showtimes (subject to change, check with the Tower of David before making plans):
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 20:30 and 21:30 Saturday – 21:00 and 22:00
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 20:30 and 21:30 Saturday – 20:30 and 21:30
There are many dates in August that also have an additional 22:30 showing of the Night Spectacular – please check the website.
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