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Jerusalem restaurants category

Between the Arches Restaurant

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Tensions run thick in Jerusalem's Old City where the Jewish Quarter abuts the Moslem Quarter, where the holy sites of the two religions literally sit on top of each other, where every stone bears witness to thousands of years of conflict in the Holy City, and where, as is only fitting for modern Jerusalem, you can find a kosher dairy restaurant. 

Tony's Between the Arches lies in the short alley connecting the Western Wall Plaza to the bustling souk (market) of the Moslem Quarter (the entrance is to the right of the steps leading to the Kollel Chabad when coming from the Western Wall), an alley where you literally walk over layers of Jerusalem's rich history – windows set into the stones allow you to see the ruins lying beneath.

Between the Arches itself is built into a Crusader-era cavern hewn into the rock, the floor dating back to the Second Temple era, the glass-topped tables each holding a collection of antiquities. The menu offers the standard selection of soups, salads, pastas, sandwiches, pizzas and fish selections, with a full coffee bar tucked in by the door. For individual diners or large parties.

  • Kosher

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 9:00 to 17:00 (call to confirm that there is sitting room)

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