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A humorous theatrical-vocal show of international acclaim. Using their voices only, the performers create a wide range of musical effects - trumpet-tooting, guitar-strumming, drum-beating, and beat-box - all incorporated into this a cappella performance. Eight friendly aliens from the planet Voca in rhythmic, vocal adaptations of nearly 70 hits, from classical music to popular tunes and movie soundtracks.
Creator and director: Lior Kalfon
Musical direction and adaptation: Shai Fishman
Art Garden
NIS 135; NIS 40 discount in exchange for 250 Isracard points; NIS 120 for members, soldiers, and students, on presentation of valid identification
Seated performance; warm clothing recommended; space is limited
Tickets on sale on the Museum website or by phone at (02) 677-1300
*Gates open at 20:00
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 16:00 to 21:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00
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