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Events in Jerusalem

Israel Festival 2011: Garden Classics in a Living Museum

Israel Festival 2011: Garden Classics in a Living Museum at 09.06.2011

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Thursday jun 9th

A special Shavuot performance for the entire family

In honor of Chag Shavuot, the Jerusalem Botanical Garden presents some classic stories, turning their center into a stage of family-friendly theater, dance and music.

Marking fifty years of the Israel Festival, the Garden will transform to a "Living Museum", presenting eight live shows of classics whose common theme is a garden. Performances include "Swan Lake", "The Rite of Spring," and "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Hours: 11:00 to 15:00

Photo: Mel Brickman

This performance is being organized under the auspices of the 2011 Israel Festival. For our complete coverage of the festival, click here.


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