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Events in Jerusalem

End of Year Celebrations at Lara

at 29.12.2010

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Wednesday dec 29th

On December 29-30, 2010, beginning at 18:00, Jerusalem Bistro Lara invites you to two days of end of year celebrations featuring seven gourmet courses by chef Lior Heftzadi and a glass of fine champagne.

Gourmet menu offerings include:
*Fish sashimi over artichoke carpaccio and greens
*Cherry tomato salad over roasted eggplant with bok choy and nut vinaigrette
*Steak sashimi with dried cranberries and stir fried mushrooms
*Fish over Jerusalem artichoke and tomato and lupin mashausha
*Osso Bucco lamb and cream of turnip
*Pomegranate sorbet
*Qadaif filled with crème patissiere and strawberries

All seven courses and a glass of champagne for 220 NIS each.

Advance reservations recommended.

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 18:00 to 24:00


Ben Shetach St. 3


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