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The Jerusalem Theater Group presents the second annual "Midrash Bama" theatre festival, which will take place at the Jerusalem Theatre from December 9-11, 2010.
This year's festival features Jerusalem's most innovative theatrical dialogue - the audience meets theatre-in-the-round to challenge the borders of the familiar, creating an expressive, original and relevant theatrical language.
The festival features a selection of vibrant and exciting plays based on Jewish sources with an innovative concept - actors interacting with the audience - meetings with artists - a public Beit Midrash - and a Kabbalat Shabbat for families - young and old.
Festival events include performances, off-stage "happenings" with actors, musicians, jugglers, and more. All events and performances will take place in Hebrew unless otherwise noted.
• Thursday December 9, 2010 at 20:000: Love Stories - a new play with fascinating accounts of timeless relationships collected from Jewish texts
• Open and dynamic study session after the show with Beit Midrash "Kolot"
• Thursday December 9, 2010 at 11:00: Wizard King - this play for children is a special rendering of the biblical story of Balaam
and Balak, with actors, puppets, masks and silhouettes, for ages 5-11
• Beit Midrash study for parents and children after the show: "But G-d can do anything, even miracles," hosted by Ariela Gretz.
• Thursday December 9, 2010 at 17:00: Are you happy yet? - a comedy about life - with two musicians, one large "earth-mother" sings and dances the story of her complicated life in a heart-touching and comic tone, featuring Varda Ben-Hur
• Friday December 10, 2010 at 12:00: Yearnings - a rare connection between voice and contemporary ethnic music that is groundbreaking and original, with Ruth Weider-Maagan, Peretz Eliyahu and Mark Eliyahu.
• Friday December 10, 2010 at 13:15: Kabbalat Shabbat for families, young and old - this free event is part of the ''Hamshushalayim''
• Saturday Night December 11, 2010 at 20:00: Shulem - an exciting journey into the mind of a child, and the woman who grew up in the house of Holocaust survivors, through the child's eyes as various and curious characters are revealed during the Passover meal. (Shulem will be presented in English on January 9, 16, and 30, 2011 at the Jerusalem Theatre at 20:30)
• Discussion following the show on "Creativity and Memory" hosted by Saharah Blau with Uri Barbash, Nava Semel and Michelle Kishka.
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