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The Mount of Olives has been an important burial place since Canaanite times. Kingdoms and empires have come and gone and left their marks on this legendary hill. Today it is a hugely popular vantage point with simply breathtaking views of the holy sites of Jerusalem’s Old City.
Pilgrims are drawn to site’s cultural importance, in particular its association with Jesus’ last week on Earth and where the End of Days was described to the disciples. For Jews and Muslims alike, the Mount of Olives is where the gates of heaven will open up on Judgment Day.
This tour takes in these profound ideas as well as allowing the time to enjoy the views and hidden treasures scattered around the hill – and of course, those famous olive trees! The tour finishes at Mary’s Tomb, a short walk from the Lion’s Gate of the Old Town or a bus stop leading to the Wailing Wall.
All tours depart from Jaffa Gate.
Tours are available on MON, WED, FRI, SAT at 14:00
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