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Advent Sunday
This month, Jews and Christians are united in their anticipation of the holiday season. While Jews are anticipating the celebration of Chanukah, Christians are counting down the days until Christmas.
In Roman Catholic tradition, Advent Sunday signifies the beginning of an expectant waiting period before the Christmas holiday. Throughout the world, Christians turn their hearts toward Jerusalem at this time, remembering the Holy City in which Jesus walked. In Jerusalem itself, worshippers know themselves to be at the center of the whirlwind, in the place where it all began. In the monasteries, churches and convents that are scattered throughout the Holy City, the sacred preparations begin.
Advent Sunday marks the start of the Christian liturgical year in the Western church. It is also the beginning of the Advent season, a period characterized by its expectant preparations for the Nativity of Jesus—the Christmas holiday.
In Jerusalem, the preparations are not just for the holiday itself but also for the thousands of visitors from overseas who will flood the Holy City at the end of December. While Christmas lights are virtually unknown in most parts of Jerusalem and Santa Claus is an unfamiliar figure to Jerusalem children, there is an air of palpable expectation in the Old City of Jerusalem.
2000+ tips and recommendations
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In a region known for being one of the first in which early humans settled after leaving Africa, and in a city populated...
Looking for a place to begin your morning in luxury and style? Look no further than the American Colony Hotel, which offers...
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Jewish tradition holds that in the times of the First and Second Temples, all the Jewish people would gather in Jerusalem...
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Looking for a place to begin your morning in luxury and style? Look no further than the American Colony Hotel, which offers...
The faithful may rhapsodize about the spiritual highs to be reached in the Old City; culture cognoscenti groove on the...
Once upon a time, options for eating out in Jerusalem were limited to local common phenomena such as falafel and schwarma,...
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