Beit Avi Chai Archived Events
Beit Avi Chai presents "Forgotten Books": The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha-between the Bible and the Mishnah.During the Second Temple period, an extensive, diverse, and fascinating body of Jewish literature was written that did not make it into the Bible or the canonical collections of rabbinical literature. Only some of it has survived. The books include philosophical, historical, halakhic, read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "The Magical World of Chasidic Melodies": A New Song: Halev Vehamaayan hosts Eviatar Banai
A special performance wrapping up two years of activity at BEIT AVI CHAI and marking the launch of a new disc. The Halev Vehamaayan quintet presents stirring arrangements of melodies from the heart of hasidic courts.Special guest: Eviatar read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "No Little Bird Shall Know"• Wednesday, October 13, 8:30 PM• Sunday, October 17, 8:30 PMA lively comedy inspired by the book Zumer Lebn (Summer life), by Sholem AleichemWritten and directed by Ori EgozEurope, 1911. Three Jewish women from Lodz-a society woman, a young flower seller who recently married read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Otmuna": Art and Torah in the beit Midrash. The subject of this series is "Human life."
In study groups, Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani (lecturer in rabbinic literature) and Ela Arazi (lecturer in biblical art) explain ancient texts and works of art related to the human and Jewish life cycles. A unique beit midrash experience featuring study, observation, and innovation read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--Cheshvan: a new beginningThe month of Cheshvan starts off the period known as "after the holidays," a great time for thinking about the new and renewed things in our lives.Moderator: Prof. Avigdor ShinanWith: Michal Nakar, deputy director of BEIT AVI CHAI-innovation, newness, and renewal in Jewish-Israeli culture and read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Yitzhak Shalev": A tribute to the author and poet, with the participation of his son Meir Shalev.Organizer and moderator: Meir OuzielYitzhak Shalev, one of the greatest Israeli poets and authors, gave Hebrew culture the unforgettable Parashat Gavriel Tirosh (The Gavriel Tirosh affair) and the books of poetry Ohezet Anaf ha-Shaked, Elohai ha-Noshek read more
Beit Avi Chai presents "The Exodus from Egypt"• Monday, September 20, 8:30 PM• Tuesday, September 21, 8:30 PMAn original play by Hagit BodankinTen-year-old Nurit's father is missing in action in the Yom Kippur War. Her mother is running around the country trying to find out what happened to him, and she herself is left behind with the fears, the read more
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Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents: Shlomo Gronich and Marsh Dondurma: renowned and colorful musician Shlomo Gronich meets the members of Marsh Dondurma in a stirring and energetic show in which they'll jointly perform the best of their hits in addition to original and traditional songs read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents: Joshua Shaul David: 3 Biblical Giants3 lectures with Dr. Micah Goodman in English.The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University, director of Ein Prat - the Israeli Academyfor Leadership
Joshua• Tuesday | August 17th | 8 pmThe book of Joshua presents major ethical dilemmas for the contemporary read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Hebrew in Transit": Ruvik Rosenthal and friends show honor to the Hebrew language , with monologues, dialogues, and song.How do Israelis speak and what does this say about us? What does the Dictionary of Hebrew Idioms and Phrases tell us? How does Hebrew correspond with the world through language, from English and Ladino to Yiddish and Arabic? And why does no read more
Beit Avi Chai presents "Touching the Spirit": A Friday morning event focusing on art, in English.
In the wake of the exhibition "Spirit Constructions-Israel Hadany: The Quest for the Sacred," we take a look at the relationship between material and sanctity through art.With:Baruch Gian, photographer and tour guide-wood, stone, and sanctity read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "A Simple Story": An original musical-theater production for chamber ensemble and actor, based on a story by S. Y. Agnon.
The story, a classic of Hebrew literature, is presented by actor Yonatan Cherchy and the Atar Trio, in an unconventional show combining live music, storytelling, and theater. The
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Beit Avi Chai presents the third annual miniature Sukkah building contest. This year's theme is expressing personal ideas of what the Sukkah symbolizes. There are two tracts: the first is the communal tract for groups representing organizations and institutions, and the second is the open tract for individuals, both professional and amateur read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Much More than Schlafstunde": Life where Berlin met Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
While the sabras were walking barefoot proudly on the sand dunes, they strolled along Ben-Jehuda Strasse and drank Sodawasser; when orange crates served as closets, they furnished their homes in Biedermeier style; and when all the kids read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "It Sounds Better in Amharic": An original play combining humor with moving personal accounts.• Wednesday, August 11, 8:30 PM• Tuesday, August 17, 8:30 PMYossi Vassa tells the story of his 700-kilometer journey on foot from Ethiopia to a refugee camp in Sudan on his way to Israel, recalls terrible times in the refugee camps, relives read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--ElulElul: ThornsPrickly on the outside and soft inside: What do nice Israel-born-and-bred children have to do with Tchernichowsky's evil sabra?Moderator: Galit TsabariWith: Prof. (emeritus) Nurit Govrin, Department of Literature, Tel Aviv University-The Jewish sabra through the prism of Hebrew read more
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The Lev Hair Community Council and Beit Avi Chai present "August Shows and Music" at the Bezalel Arts Fair. The aim of the initiative is to bring some young cultural Jerusalemite spirit to the city. Fridays read more
Beit Avi Chai presents Yasmin Levy: Sentir
International Ladino singer Yasmin Levy is back in her native Jerusalem for a special summer concert.A concert of Ladino and flamenco music based on her four albums, all of which have been successful in Israel and abroad. This performance is part of Yasmin Levy's world concert
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Alter-What? A Century of Alterman": Three events focusing on Natan Alterman to mark the hundredth anniversary of his birth.1. From Russia with Love - Russian poetry and Alterman's works• Sunday, August 1, 8 PMA rich, interdisciplinary evening about the poets Alexander Blok and read more
Beit Avi Chai presents "From Yoel to the Sea": A concert series focusing on Tel Aviv, the Tel Aviv state of mind, and Israeliness in the making.
Each show will consist of two parts:Part 1: Following the release of her superb album Songs for Yoel, Rona Kenan presents an acoustic concert featuring the songs from the album, accompanied read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Wild Flower": A literary evening devoted to the works of Naomi FrankelA variety of Israeli ethoses exist side by side in the works of Naomi Frankel. From Saul and Johanna, My Beloved, My Friend, and Wild Flower to Barkai and Preda is a long road full of searching. On her way from Kibbutz Beit Alpha to the Jewish community of Hebron, Frankel asked many questions, read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Truly Very Strange People!"*: The heroes of the Second Aliyah* Natan Alterman on the people of the Second AliyahWho wasn't part of the Second Aliyah? There were anarchists, revolutionaries, Tolstoyans, feminists, run-of-the-mill Zionists, socialist Zionists ... so few people, so many different types.Discussions of cultural heroes of a different read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "The Magical World of Chasidic Melodies": two summer shows.
Thursday, July 25, 2010:
Distant sounds from the Balkans: melodies of the Vizhnitz Chasidim*Back by popular demandJust this once, Chassidic and Moldovan musicians join together to play the best tunes of the Vizhnitz Chassidim, which are read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents "Tel Aviv-New York -- Authentic jazz with a touch of the Mediterranean" Top Israeli jazz musicians who live and work in New York come to BEIT AVI CHAI for a concert series blending East and West, piyyut and percussion, and uncover a fascinating connection between the Mediterranean side of Israel and traditional read more
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Beit Avi Chai presents Tisha Be'av at Beit Avi Chai: A Culture of Hatred.
Hatred shapes culture; culture shapes hatred.Main activity: Full-length films and discussionsHow does our culture contend with manifestations of hatred in Israeli society? About rap, talkbacks, and teen violence as major settings for hatred in society.Hosts: journalist read more

Jerusalem Beit Avi Chai Events Map