Beit Avi Chai Archived Events
In English | Sunday | July 7 | 7pm (12pm EDT) | zoom
Life and History in Israel through Virtual Tours
Ami Braun
The Jordan Valley
This four-part series will take us to different parts of Israel in which meaningful historical events read more
Sukkot for Children at Beit Avi Chai
A play about the first King of Israel. Struggles over kingship, desert chases and the magic of music. Age 5 and above
Creative Workshop
- read more
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The 10th Piyut Festival
September 24-28.2017
The 10th Piyut Festival celebrates the new generation of Piyut music and musicians. read more
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The Stories of a Nation: The Caucasus
Caucasian Immigrants in the First Waves of Immigration
Wednesday, June 22 - Thursday, June 23, 2016
**To the Caucasian read more
Words of Volume
Artists Sing Their Own Songs and Songs of Other Poets and Songwriters
Geva Alon - Sings from his songs and those of Shalom Hanoch
In each performance, artists focus on an influential poet read more
“Light it Forward” – a Hanukkah event for children at BEIT AVI CHAI with a show, many activities and surprises
“Light it Forward” is a special Hanukkah event for children that will take place at BEIT AVI CHAI to promote awareness of our power to increase goodness and to bring read more
September - October 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 7:00 PM
Yamim Noraim: Days of Awe, Prayer, Repentance and Connecting with the Divine
Sunday, September 7, 8:00 PM
Vanity read more
Beit Avi Chai presents A Talmud Bavli study group.
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM
At Beit Avi Chai a weekly Talmud study group has been opened. The group is for women and men, secular and religious, ages 20-40.
The standard of knowledge required: fluent reading of the Gemara and read more
Israeli Portion: The weekly Torah portion and Israeli reality
A four-part series accompanying the four Torah portions in the Book of Numbers.
In each session, ancient Israeli sources will be presented – some more and some less familiar – with a discussion on issues relevant to the weekly Torah portion as it relates read more
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The Tavern #2: A comic celebration of Jewish humor
From Shalom Aleichem’s Shtetl pranksters to the best of black humor, from Hershel of Ostropol to Juha from Uzbekistan, from Chelm to Chacham Chanuka, Jewish humor is known worldwide for its sarcastic nature. A selection of familiar and less familiar stories and heroes will come to life at the read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Jerusalem of the Future: The city as depicted in prophetic, apocalyptic and utopian literature
After six notable events in Russia, Eshkolot Festivals are now a must study program for university students and young professionals from the FSU. The Eshkolot
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Lunar Legends: Monthly performances for parents and children
The Month of Iyar
Two laborers, Sa and Har, are in charge of hanging the moon in the sky. However, during the month of light, the month of Iyar, the sky may remain dark, because Sa is not happy with his job and decides to stop time. Legends of light, darkness, and read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
The Midrachov: Cracking the Jerusalemite Genome
Romano and Bruria – A Beggar’s Comedy
“Romeo and Juliet” - the Jerusalemite version – a heartbreaking tragedy
Romano Romano, son of Alfa Romano, King of Beggars of Paris Square, falls in love with Bruria Kaplano, a simple read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Haven't opened a page of Talmud in a while and missing it? Looking for a top quality and intimate framework for in-depth study without compromises?
Beit Avi Chai invites you to join its Babylonian Talmud study group on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
A weekly Talmud study group has opened at BEIT AVI CHAI. The group is for women and men, secular read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Hebrew Jazz: Leading Jazz ensembles interpret and perform Israeli music
Refreshing new interpretations of top Israeli songs. Every performance brings original arrangements of familiar and loved Israeli songs – as well as new compositions written especially for these performances.
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Maran: Our Rabbi and Mentor: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Israeli Society
One of the central figures who influenced Israeli society and contemporary Orthodox Judaism was the Rishon Lezion, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, z”l.
Half a year after his passing, the fascinating personality of the Maran (as Rav Ovadia Yosef was known), as a political read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
The Shepherd’s Flute Shall Sing: New arrangements of Israeli shepherds’ and village songs from the beginning era of Israeli music
Thursday, June 19, 8:30 PM
The greatest hits of Matityahu Shalem, David Zahavi, Mordechai Zeira, Yosef Hadar, Sara Levi-Tanai, Nachum Nardi, Puah Greenspoon and Emanuel Zamir are revived through original arrangements read more
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Gallery Talk with the Exhibition Curator and A tour of the permanent exhibition at BEIT AVI CHAI
Tuesday, June 17, 5:00 PM
One of the hidden treasures at BEIT AVI CHAI is read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Half Colors, Half Voices: In the footsteps of the poet Rachel
Monday, June 16, 8:30 PM
A multi-faceted focusing on the life and poems of Rachel, combining music, poetry, video-art and archival footage. The poems were set to music read more
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The Magical World of Hassidic Niggunim: The Jewish pioneers and the niggunim – Halev Vehamaayan [The Heart and Wellspring] ensemble
Tuesday, June 10, 8:30 PM
The early Jewish settlement before the establishment of the State of Israel brought many niggunim from the Hassidic world of their homelands, combining them with pioneer read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
A Tour. A Story. A Painting. - Special activities for children and parents at BEIT AVI CHAI’s gallery
Monday, May 26, 4:30 PM
Monday, June 9, 4:30 PM
The exhibition Re-Imagining Jerusalem - invites us to tour photographs of Jerusalem homes and landscapes, viewing read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
"Wherever you go, I will go": Contemporary readings in the Book of Ruth
Many interpretations have been written on the Book of Ruth, a story that raises questions about love, faithfulness, feminism, the relation to the other and social justice.
In this series we will attempt to present additional perspectives that will help read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
Kicking off the New Month: The Month of Sivan: The Wedding Season
At the beginning of the month of Sivan, as the counting of the Omer comes to an end and the wedding season begins, we will question what brings Israelis to weddings and the way in which our wedding dress read more
Additional events at Beit Avi Chai
The Sound of Words: A new look at the greatest songs and compositions of Israeli culture
Hebrew Labor has the Last Laugh
Thursday, May 29, 8:30 PM
A humoristic journey through Israeli music, from Alterman to Sanderson: alongside songs of war and protest, we have also read more
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Jerusalem Beit Avi Chai Events Map